
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the drop off and pick up procedure?
As you arrive on our campus, please come to the Family Life Center (the white building) to check in your child/ren. A parent or guardian will use a computer-based sign in system which will print a name tag for your child and note any allergies or medical concerns. Parents will receive a matching tag for check out to ensure everyone goes home with the correct adult. Then, a ministry leader will answer any questions you have and your child will go to his or her classroom. After the service, parents come to the double doors past the bathrooms and show the pick up tag to a ministry leader who will match tags before releasing your child/ren. As a safety precaution, only B3Kids, one parent with a dated tag and B3Kids leaders are allowed in the hallway past the double doors.
What does B3Kids mean?
B3Kids is the ministry of Arran Lake Baptist Church that serves children from birth through 5th grade. The B3 stands for our motto: Believe.Belong.Become.
B3Kids meets on Sunday mornings during service times and B3Kids Midweek that meets on Wednesday. We also meet for community and family events throughout the year. We look forward to your family joining us!
When is B3Kids open?
We are open for Infant – 5th grade programs during the 9:30 a.m. and 11:11 a.m. services. Drop-off begins 10 minutes prior to the start of each service time and pick up is immediately following the conclusion of each service. If parents are staying on campus during both services (for small groups, Bible study, rehearsals, etc.) children may stay for the entire time.
B3Kids Midweek’s program runs on Wednesday evenings from 6 – 7:30 p.m. for school age children throughout the traditional school year. Please check our website for more information.
What does my child do in B3Kids?
Children in grades 1 – 5 participate in a worship experience during the 9:30 a.m. service and small group Bible study during the 11:11 a.m. service. Younger children and infants remain in their classrooms for a rotating schedule of faith-based activities and play. Teachers often send home worksheets or Bible lessons for children to complete at home during the week as a way to encourage ongoing study and family discipleship.
Our B3Kids Midweek program meets on Wednesday nights from 6 – 7:30 p.m. Kids have a large group lesson with a Biblical theme, play fun games that encourage teamwork and cooperation and have a small group time focused on discipleship and prayer for one another. The curriculum is Biblically based and encourages Bible reading and memorization, development of a personal relationship with God, and family discipleship.
How can we build on what they've learned at church?
We care for your children for only an hour or two a week and want to ensure that the lessons they learn in church are lifelong. We know that parents are the largest influence in a child’s life, so we want to partner with you to disciple your children at home. We encourage parents to read the Bible with their child, complete worksheets or activities provided by teachers and ask what they’ve learned each week. Periodically you’ll find small groups or Bible studies offered here based on parenting topics as well. If you would like additional ideas or resources, please ask any of the ministry directors. We’re happy to help!
Who are the leaders?
The leaders and directors in B3Kids are dedicated volunteers are parents, grandparents and loving adults who regularly attend Arran Lake Baptist Church. They love working with children and sharing the Gospel. Every leader in our department has completed a background check, attends ongoing training on relevant children’s ministry and child safety topics and has signed a ministry agreement which is in alignment with our church’s values related to service.
If you are interested in serving, we would love to talk with you more about starting the process. As a general rule, we require a minimum of 6 months of regular church attendance, completion of a ministry agreement, a clear background check (click the button below to complete) and an interview with the ministry director prior to approval to serve.
How are we encouraging a healthy environment?
B3Kids areas are thoroughly cleaned throughout the week and after children leave their rooms. We encourage hand washing and remind parents that children or household members experiencing signs of illness join us virtually instead of in person.